About Jonathan Heston
Three reasons why you should NOT be here.
I’m Jonathan Heston.
I’m married. Live in Coeur D'Alene Idaho. And have 2 kids.
I like the mountains and hiking. And books…
But I’m guessing that isn’t the type of thing you’re wondering.
You’re probably wondering,
Is This Dude Worth My Time and Attention?
My answer?
No. Probably not.
Here’s why…
I don’t make things EASIER.
I don’t make things EASIER.
For some reason, people think getting a coach makes things easier.
And I get it. It’s what I first thought…I mean, who gets a coach to make things harder?
I’ll tell you who.
People who want results and are sick of waiting for them.
I use to think having a coach would help me with simple things like accountability and motivation. That they wouldmake decisions for me, and I would magically start seeing more results in my life.
Ha. That’s the coat of paint on the top of a skyscraper.
A coach is like the red hot fire that a lump of gold willingly jumps into – just so the gold can melt away all the impurities that’s keeping it from shining.
In other words. It freaking burns.
Look, I’ve seen results I would have never imagined. I’ve turned a 5 year process into a 2 month process. And I’m absolutely a different man than I was before I hired my coaches.
But I wasn’t carried here. I journeyed. Through some really frustrating, hard and deep work. It took some incredible commitment and recommitment – because I didn’t know where the rabbit hole led.
And if I wasn’t committed to my greatness, to my family and to my future? Bail out city.
So if you’re not ready to truly commit to yourself and the results you want.
If you’re not ready to be melted…and go through more intensity than you probably think it takes…
Then I don’t think you’ll reach the reward and results on the other-side.
Because I won’t tell you a lie just to get some money from you.
I work with those who are out to advance the world.
And they are a special breed. Because they don’t just want the freedom, money, and success. They don’t just want to advance the world.
They want it WITHOUT losing their family or life balance in the process.
I believe this type of journey is one of the hardest (and most rewarding) of all.
Now obviously, this doesn’t mean you have to always be on top of everything and can’t have bad days…but it means you have to be ridiculously committed and stubborn for the long haul to the results you want for you and yours.
So if you’re looking for easy – go watch a motivational youtube compilation, attend the “ra-ra” event your friend keeps telling you about, and buy another book or $97 “life changing” course. They all promise easy.
I know it’s not easy. But it’s worth it. And it doesn’t have to take a lifetime to get there.
2. If you’re not your own boss, or at least planning on being...we’re not a fit.
When we start stepping into your greatness – the ROI is going to be massively undercut if you’re not in a position to be your own boss.
I work with people who have it in their own DNA to create their own freedom on ALL levels. So we’re not really that congruent if you’re in a place where your employer can go bankrupt or an insecure boss can keep his finger on you.
Not that having a job is wrong. It’s perfect for some people. But it never reflects your full power or capabilities. You’re there so they PROFIT from your work. They want to take a cut of your value…and I love working with people where we can see massive results fast, instead of an income stream that moves slow and hardly reflects the amount of massive leaps you’ll be taking.
Why stick a motoGP bike on a gokart track?
It’s a waste of time.
3. If you’re just curious…
Nothing wrong with being curious about “will this help me accomplish what I’m working to accomplish…”
But if you’re curious about you moving forward in your own life – and aren’t already doing so.
Please don’t waste my time by reaching out.
I’m the dude that helps committed people, who are moving FAST and building their dreams ALREADY, collapse time, see their blindspots (especially internally) and move faster.
The key word?
Curious isn’t committed. And most people are busy thinking about getting ready instead of just moving.
I work with people who are jumping. Not wondering if they should be jumping.
When I hear someone say “I’m thinking about…”
What I actually here is someone saying “I haven’t even decided yet what I want, and I’m still not fully invested in doing everything within my power to accomplish what I’m going after”
Which really means…
I’m still letting my own fear and doubts control me.
Unlocking the entire spectrum of your personal power is HARD WORK. But the first step is COMMITTING – even when you’re afraid and you’re not sure what’s next.
So it takes insane commitment. And if you’re not committed to a vision that drives you forward…
Your family legacy.
Your kids.
Your wife.
Your deep desires and dreams…
I can’t take the journey with you.
I’m not a tugboat. If we work together, there will be times that I’ll be more committed to your future than you will be.
Several of them. And that’s expected…
But I won’t drag you along. I believe in you too much for that.
So I have to make sure you’re committed for the long haul.
If part of you doesn’t know, in your gut, that you’re going to figure this out. One way or another.
We’re likely not a fit.
Still here?
Here is what you can expect from this site.
Lots of incredible information, insights, mindsets, and tools that you can use in your life, business and relationships for free.
And then…
I sell you stuff.
(I don’t beat around the bush…)
I support myself and my family by selling you stuff. And I’m not going to be subtle about it.
And in fact – my stuff isn’t cheap.
Because it’s the stuff that makes the difference in EVERY area of your life.
Working with me can mean the difference between 20K months and 300K months.*
Divorce or better sex than ever.
Inner Power, Certainty and Peace…or overwhelm, struggle and stress.
*not an income claim — results may vary and I’m not promising you a single thing*
But here’s the idea…
When my free INFORMATION rocks your world and helps you understand the REAL problem you're facing and what to do about it...
Then I know some of you will see how collapsing time through IMPLEMENTATION will be one of the most valuable investments you can make.
You may not trust yourself (or me) enough yet to play that big.
But my free stuff will help fix that.
And when you’re ready to swing for the fences. I’ll be here.
“How do I know if your stuff works?”
My stuff doesn’t work. It unlocks you, so you can fully be you and do what you’re doing way more powerfully.
And it will start unlocking you when you start listening and applying what you hear.
So if you like my free stuff…and it helps you. And you start seeing the world differently (and yourself differently), and getting results – then my paid stuff will be like rocket fuel.
If you hate me and my free stuff, and none of it works or makes sense to you…than we’re not really a fit.
…as for the rest of my story.
It’s kinda a keep staying committed, fail over and over, and be the stupidest guy in the room year after year.
Add in a natural knack of having deep conversation, strategic thinking, optimism and belief in greatness with a strong dose of incredible skepticism…
And finally mix in facilitating several live events a year, hundreds of hours of coaching others towards epic results, best selling author, repeated personal wins, “trail by fire” and not selling myself out to easy money so I can follow my “passion” year after year…
And there you have it. Me.
Here is what I can help you with specifically…
+ Not feeling fulfilled and feeling unbalanced.
+ You stepping into the next level of leadership and expansion, especially in your business.
+ Your constant state of overwhelm and struggle with clarity.
+ Your ability to move faster, keep up and not drop the ball – so you can make this thing work for the long term security you know you’re going to need.
+ Getting your business and life running in a way that it doesn’t cause insane stress and doesn’t sabotage your creative freedom or work / life balance.
+ You finally being to bless your loved one with the desires they’ve been holding out for as they’ve stuck beside you through your crazy leaps of faith.
+ Your ability to speed up and move as fast as you know you should be – while increasing your time with your family, creativity and life. (Even if you’re capped out right now).
+ Switching your life (and business) into a smooth running system that you LOVE.
+ Dismantling all the internal shit that is keeping you from performing efficiently and effectively on a consistent basis (and will sabotage you BIG if you leave the ship leaking as you grow!) In other words – catch your blindspots before they catch you.
I do all this by:
+ unlocking the greatest version of you and your personal power on levels you didn’t even know existed,
+ helping you gain incredible clarity,
+ and increasing your capacity for how good you can stand it. (The number one reason for ongoing self sabotaging).
We also do tons of experiential learning, subconscious mind hacks, and other shit that seems weird but works like crazy…but that stuff is top secret…so I’m shutting up.
(Here is where I’m going to sell you something…)
But it doesn’t cost a penny.
Just an investment of your time.
Go to my home page and click “Getting Started”.
Watch the free Power Pyramid Training.
If the training helps you – and if you qualify…
Jump on the phone with me.
If our conversation helps you…
And I happen to extend an invitation to one of my events or programs…do me a favor and really consider it.
Simple, right?
Thanks for stopping by.
Now go watch that training.
— J.H.
©2021 JonathanHeston.com