Constant "Should-ing" is like trying to fly a broken plane.

Written by Jonathan Heston on January 4th, 2019

Can you imagine flying around a plane with holes in it?

That's what's happening when you walk around with your head constantly shouting "you should be doing..."
It's a massive energy drain that distracts you from the present mission.
And I've found, the smaller the "should" gap in my head...
(The gap between who I am and what I'm saying I "should" be doing...)
The more energy I have to actually get stuff done.
When people carry around several "should" statements...
(I should this...I should that...I should yadda yadda yadda...)
Their "shoulding" all over themselves. 
And diffusing their energy drastically.
So how do you stop ripping holes in your energy?
If this is happening, it's usually feedback that either:
1) I don't have radical self acceptance, self approval and self love. (So my energy is diffused because I don't trust myself and can't be with myself).
2) I'm not completing things, I'm starting them. (So my energy is diffused because of a lack of focus and prioritization).
3) I'm saying yes and starting things that isn't even aligned to my core vision and purpose. (This is because I'm not clear on what I want or I'm not keeping it in front of me well enough...or I don't know how to navigate relationships).
So here is what to do.
Make a dump list of all your shoulds.
Look at your big vision, mission and purpose and delete the ones that aren't shoulds or aligned with your vision. This will remove several of them. Tell people "sorry, it's no longer a win for me".
Set a timer for a couple hours. Knock out the smallest ones that remain. This removes even more. You have several that are small and easy - they've just been taking up mental real estate.
Recommit to the biggest ones that ARE important.
Schedule them out in terms of priority. 
Stop saying "I should" about them - and start asking "I wonder how I can create (task)..."
Now you'll have more energy to finish them because you're not dragging around all the dead weight of the other should''ve remembered your "why"...and you've honored your present power.
Have a good one.

Jonathan Heston

Jonathan Heston helps entrepreneurial coaches and consultants create freedom and impact in their business, by helping them install an Elite Entrepreneurial Mindset OS. If you're interested in quantum growth internally and in your coaching or consulting business, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.


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