Milk or Meat?

Written by Jonathan Heston on January 1st, 2019

One of the authors of the New Testament once said to a group of people he was mentoring:

"I gave you milk, not meat, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready."
And the more I play the business consulting / coaching game...
The more I realize that sooo many people are selling "meat" to people that think they're ready for it.
But they aren't.
I've made this mistake in the past with my own coaching.
I've taught nuanced and powerful strategies that serve the RIGHT person at the right time tremendously...
But only muddied the water for others. 
Hurting their results instead of helping. 
Complicating the matter instead of supporting.
Because the truth? 
Most people weren't ready for the meat. 
They needed milk.
...and that lack of self awareness is in all of us on different levels.
It's easy for us to think we're ready for meat. 
But truly?
We need to focus on the basics. The fundamentals.
And worrying about marketing before worrying about the quality of what you're selling with the marketing? 


Jonathan Heston

Jonathan Heston helps entrepreneurial coaches and consultants create freedom and impact in their business, by helping them install an Elite Entrepreneurial Mindset OS. If you're interested in quantum growth internally and in your coaching or consulting business, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.

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